
Length and width of a rectangle
Length and width of a rectangle

length and width of a rectangle

The width is also referred to as breadth. The length shows how long the figure is and the width shows how broad or wide it is. The difference between the length and width of a figure is that length signifies the longer side and width signifies the shorter side of a figure. Observe the figure given below to see the length width and height of a cuboid. Hence they express the dimensions of an object. It should be noted that length, width, height and depth are words that are derived from the words long, wide, high, and deep, respectively. The height or depth of an object is expressed in linear units like meters, centimeters, inches, and so on. Height or Depth: The height of an object refers to its depth or the third vertical dimension of the object and it shows how high or deep an object is.Width is also expressed in linear units like meters, centimeters, inches, and so on.

length and width of a rectangle

Width: Width is the shorter distance of an object or a figure and it shows how broad or wide the given figure is.It is expressed in linear units like meters, centimeters, inches, and so on. Length is the longest dimension of a figure and it shows how long the given object or figure is. Length: Length is used to measure the distance between two points.When we refer to two-dimensional shapes ( 2D shapes), we use the length and width, whereas when we refer to three-dimensional shapes ( 3D shapes) we use the height along with the length and width. Length, width, and height are the tools that are used to find the dimensions of an object.

Length and width of a rectangle