
Screaming frog seo spider pricing
Screaming frog seo spider pricing

Meta Refresh – Including target page and time delay.Meta Robots – Index, noindex, follow, nofollow, noarchive, nosnippet etc.H2 – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple headings.H1 – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple headings.Word Count – Analyse the number of words on every page.Crawl Depth – View how deep a URL is within a website’s architecture.Last-Modified Header – View the last modified date in the HTTP header.Response Time – View how long pages take to respond to requests.Meta Keywords – Mainly for reference or regional search engines, as they are not used by Google, Bing or Yahoo.Meta Description – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple descriptions.Page Titles – Missing, duplicate, long, short or multiple title elements.Duplicate Pages – Discover exact and near duplicate pages using advanced algorithmic checks.URL Issues – Non ASCII characters, underscores, uppercase characters, parameters, or long URLs.

screaming frog seo spider pricing

Security – Discover insecure pages, mixed content, insecure forms, missing security headers and more.External Links – View all external links, their status codes and source pages.Blocked Resources – View & audit blocked resources in rendering mode.Blocked URLs – View & audit URLs disallowed by the robots.txt protocol.Redirects – Permanent, temporary, JavaScript redirects & meta refreshes.Errors – Client errors such as broken links & server errors (No responses, 4XX client & 5XX server errors).

Screaming frog seo spider pricing